Touching Grass in Boise, ID

I went to Boise for the weekend to attend my friend Jarren’s wedding. It was my first time at an American wedding, so I felt some awkwardness at first. That soon went away; Claire’s mother and the families were very warm and welcoming. We had a blast!

I stayed for Friday and Saturday. I left for the Boise airport on Sunday morning. I also want to make a note about the Smash Burger at the airport. I had a double bacon burger and it was amazing. It was fresh and juicy and just right amount of saltiness. I will remember the taste for a long time.

Other than that, I had to wait a bit for the flight back to Orange County. Sadly, there was no grass to touch at the Boise airport. Since I have been learning functional programming for the past year, I decided to write about touching grass in Haskell instead.

I touch some grass right here where I am.

I am too lazy to walk over there to touch grass. I also shouldn't touch poop. I might touch some bug if they are cute. If there is nothing to touch, that’s OK.

module Touch.Grass

import Prelude hiding (Right)

data Where = Here | There deriving (Show)
data Which = Grass | Poop | Bug deriving (Show)
data Touch = Right Where | Don't | Might deriving (Show)

data Something = Something {
    which_is :: Which, where_is :: Where
} deriving (Show)

class Touchable where
  touch :: Maybe Something -> Maybe Touch

instance Touchable where
  touch something = do
    Something{which_is, where_is} <- something
    case where_is of
      There -> Nothing
      Here -> case which_is of
        Grass -> Just $ Right Here
        Poop -> Just Don't
        Bug -> Just Might

data Result = Result {
    it_is :: Maybe Something, touched :: Maybe Touch
} deriving (Show)

test :: IO ()
test = do
    thing1 = Just $ Something{which_is = Grass, where_is = Here}
    thing2 = Just $ Something{which_is = Grass, where_is = There}
    thing3 = Just $ Something{which_is = Poop, where_is = Here}
    thing4 = Just $ Something{which_is = Bug, where_is = Here}
    thing5 = Nothing
  print $ Result{it_is = thing1, touched = touch thing1}
  print $ Result{it_is = thing2, touched = touch thing2}
  print $ Result{it_is = thing3, touched = touch thing3}
  print $ Result{it_is = thing4, touched = touch thing4}
  print $ Result{it_is = thing5, touched = touch thing5}